Shop Talk: Amy Lee

All across Industry City, remarkable creatives, makers, and businesses are hard at work bringing their vision to life.
In Shop Talk, we highlight some of these determined and brilliant people, their world and their connection to the larger IC community. In this installment, we spoke with Amy Lee of DeMuro Das Inc.
Amy Lee
In a few sentences, tell us about your workspace at Industry City.
Our space at Industry City houses our primary US showroom and a large assortment from our furniture collection, as well as office space for our US sales and marketing team. It’s a lovely, light-filled space which we have staged to feel like a large New York loft. The abundance of natural sunlight, plants and high ceilings create a relaxing place to spend our otherwise hectic work days.
What’s one project you’re currently working on?
In addition to debuting at the Architectural Digest Show next month, we have just agreed to partner with the non-profit Silver Art Partners. We are designing and providing furniture for the common spaces for their soon-to-be launched artist residency program on the 28th floor of World Trade Center 4. The entire 44,000 square feet will be allocated to studio spaces for 30 artists and common spaces in which events will be held throughout the year.
What’s one particularly valuable skill for the work you do?
Ability to problem-solve. When you’re starting a new business, every day is an adventure; you never know what’s going to be thrown your way. Being resourceful and flexible in order to find a solution for new challenges is a skill I utilize daily in this role.
Tell us about one other Industry City tenant or Brooklyn-based business/creative/maker/entrepreneur we should know.
I was recently connected with Eric Chang, co-founder of an amazing and successful high-end furniture company called Hellman Chang. He and his partner used to manufacture in Brooklyn, but recently relocated their production to Georgia. In speaking with him, it emerged that he had just moved his sales and marketing offices to Industry City—a happy coincidence!
Tell us about something that’s been inspiring you lately.
I’m a late convert to podcasts and I’ve recently gotten addicted to the “How I Built This” series on NPR.
Favorite spot at Industry City that’s not your office/personal space?
I’ve visited Camp David a couple of times and the space there is so beautifully designed and wonderful to hang out in.
What do you want your business/world to look like five years from now?
I’d love to see DeMuro Das as an established name amongst the design community, but mainly, continuing to evolve both in design sensibility as well as product lines.